About Conference


3rd Global Conference on Virology and Emerging Diseases has been a success!

We would like to thank our chairs, speakers, and all the attendees for making this a great meeting.

After the successful completion of the Virology 2021 Webinar during December 07-08, 2021, we are glad to announce the succeeding "4th Global Conference on Virology and Emerging Diseases” (Virology Congress 2022) to be held during  October 13-14,2022. in Dubai, UAE

Virology Congress 2022 invites connoisseurs from all pre-eminent universities, research institutions, microbiologists, virologists, and diagnostic companies to share their research papers on all aspects of this rapidly augmenting field and emblazoning the recent advancements and technologies being currently used and the ones being developed on futuristic technologies for further research on viruses.

This inspiring event will include Keynote presentations, Oral Talks, and Workshops that focus on a wide range of research trends in virology such as systems biology of virus-host interactions, viral ecology, and the virosphere, evolution of viruses, and improved vaccines and therapeutics.

Virology Congress 2022 aims to bring together a wide audience of industry, healthcare, research, and medical practitioners to educate and bring about a fruitful debate on the confined topics.

COVID-19 Case ReportsNovel Coronavirus (COVID-19)Impact of COVID-19Clinical Trials on COVID-19Microbiology and ImmunologyGeneral Virology & Rare DiseasesVeterinary Virology, Medical VirologyViral Oncology, HIV, AIDS and other Emerging VirusesPlant and Agricultural VirologyViral BiochemistryClinical VirologyInsect Virus and Fungal VirologyViral Infections during PregnancyRespiratory Viral Infections, Immunology and VaccinesBacterial Infectious DiseasesGastrointestinal Infections,  Pediatric Infectious DiseasesAnimal Infectious DiseasesSexually Transmitted InfectionsEbola and Zika Viral InfectionsBlood Stream Infections.

Venue & Hospitality

October 13 - 14, 2022
